Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Follow Me On Bloglovin

Do you already follow my Blog on Bloglovin? If not, go and check it out! Bloglovin is a great way to follow your favorite blogs and have all the information in one place. You can find every new post and save them in your collections for later. Never miss a new entry from your favorite blogger again and no more endless searching for that one recipe you wanted to try or the outfit you wanted to recreate, but can't remember on which blog you found it. 
Have a Blog on Bloglovin yourself? Comment it below so I can follow you back.

Have a nice day and don't forget to smile!

Sunday, September 04, 2016

Checking Off The Bucketlist | Australia Day 8-9

Having spend a whole day relaxing and sailing at the Whitsunday's, it was time for another long day of driving. To make it a little more enjoyable, we took a break about halfway through and stopped at Billabong Sanctuary just outside Townsville. One of my have-to-do-things while in Australia, was to pet a kangaroo. So when we saw the sign at the side of the road, we had no other choice than to stop. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

East Coast Adventures | Australia Day 5-7

After the two day break on Fraser Island, we spend almost the whole next day in our Camper driving up the coast to Rockhampton. Arriving late in the afternoon, we set up on the camp site and took a stroll through town on the hunt for a place for dinner. Rockhampton is famous for it's meat, so we went for steaks. The food was good, though I can't remember the name of the restaurant.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Fraser Island Pt.2 | Australia Day 4

Day two on Fraser started with a rather long bus trip to the other side of the island. And then it was time to drive on the beach. The weather was beautiful and the sun glistened on the water. At that point I really wished we had rented a 4-wheeler that we could drive ourselves, because this must be so much fun. But it still was beautiful to enjoy from inside our bus.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Fraser Island Pt.1 | Australia Day 3

Welcome to Fraser Island! 
Early in the morning, even before the sun came out, we got on a bus to catch a ferry to go to the sand island - well that's a lie, the sun was out, but it felt as though it shouldn't because it was so early.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Arriving Down Under | Australia Day 1-2

So I'm back. Again. For about the millionth time. I know, and I'm not going to promise that it is for good this time, because I can't. But I've missed this space and I'm full of motivation to get back at it. So to get me started, I've decided to finally write up those posts about our family trip to Australia last summer. I know it's a while ago now, but I'm still loving the memories, and we took so many pictures, that I could probably fill a month's worth of blog posts with them. This way I at least can't use the 'don't-know-what-to-blog-about'-excuse for a while, ha!